Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Caelum::AccesorPropertyDescriptor< TargetT, ParamT, InParamT, OutParamT >ValuePropertyDescriptor implementation based on function pointers to get/set methods
Caelum::AstronomyStatic class with astronomy routines
Caelum::BaseSkyLightBase class for sky lights (sun and moon)
Caelum::BrightStarCatalogueEntryPOD for bright star catalogue entries
Caelum::CaelumDefaultTypeDescriptorDataStandard type descriptors for caelum components
Caelum::CaelumPluginImplement an Ogre::Plugin for Caelum
Caelum::CaelumSystemThis is the "root class" of caelum
Caelum::CameraBoundElementA camera-bound element
Caelum::CloudSystemA cloud system is implemented by a number of cloud layers
Caelum::DefaultPrivatePtrTraits< PointedT >Default traits for Caelum::PrivatePtr
Caelum::DefaultTypeDescriptorDefault implementation of a TypeDescriptor
Caelum::DepthComposerCompositor-based precipitation controller
Caelum::DepthComposerInstancePer-viewport instance of
Caelum::DepthRendererRender the depth buffer to a texture
Caelum::FastGpuParamRefAn optimized reference to a gpu shared parameter
Caelum::FlatCloudLayerA flat cloud layer; drawn as a simple plane
Caelum::GroundFogExponential ground fog system implementation
Caelum::ImageStarfieldImage-based starfield class
Caelum::InternalUtilitiesPrivate caelum utilities
Caelum::MoonClass representing the moon
Caelum::MovableObjectPrivatePtrTraits< MovableT >PrivatePtr traits for a movable object
Caelum::PointStarfieldPoint starfield class
Caelum::PrecipitationControllerCompositor-based precipitation controller
Caelum::PrecipitationInstancePer-viewport instance of precipitation
Caelum::PrecipitationPresetParamsPreset parameters for a certain type of precipitation
Caelum::PrivatePtr< PointedT, TraitsT >Template for smart pointers with strict unique ownership
Caelum::PrivateResourcePtrTraits< PointedT, InnerT, ManagerT >PrivatePtr traits for uniquely-owned resources
Caelum::SceneNodePrivatePtrTraitsPrivatePtr traits for a scene node
Caelum::ScopedHighPrecissionFloatSwitchDummy class to increase floting point precission in a block This class will raise precission in the ctor and restore it in the destructor
Caelum::SkyDomeA sky dome element
Caelum::SphereSunClass representing the sun as sphere with emissive color on it
Caelum::SpriteSunClass representing the sun as billboard with texture on it
Caelum::PointStarfield::StarStruct representing one star inside PointStarfield
Caelum::TypeDescriptorAbstract interface for a type descriptor
Caelum::TypedValuePropertyDescriptor< ValueT >Variant of ValuePropertyDescriptor which allows faster typed get/set methods
Caelum::UniversalClockThe system's time model
Caelum::UnsupportedExceptionException class for unsupported features
Caelum::ValuePropertyDescriptorBasic property descriptor interface

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